In a stunning twist of events, the Ogun State House of Assembly is grappling with turmoil following the ousting of Speaker Olakunle Oluomo. The unfolding crisis, which took place on Tuesday morning, resulted from a majority decision within the assembly.
Daisi Elemide, representing Odeda constituency, has assumed the position of Speaker, displacing Oluomo. The origins of this power shift harken back to a previous contest between Elemide and Oluomo, with the latter prevailing due to perceived executive support.
Chaos reportedly erupted within the assembly complex, escalating to the deployment of teargas to quell the agitated crowd.
The removal of Oluomo, confirmed by an anonymous lawmaker, marks a significant disruption in Ogun State’s political landscape. The details surrounding Oluomo’s removal and the internal dynamics of the assembly remain obscured, creating an air of uncertainty.
Stay tuned for further updates as this developing story unfolds.