Nairaland, the renowned online community platform, experienced an unexpected server takedown recently, stemming from an oversight in addressing an abuse report received on the 14th of December. Founder Seun Osewa is providing transparency regarding the incident and the subsequent challenges faced in restoring services.
Upon discovering the overlooked abuse report, immediate action was taken to remove the offensive content. Unfortunately, technical complications arose during the restoration process, resulting in extended downtime. Minutes after successfully bringing back the forum, an unanticipated second takedown occurred without prior warning.
Osewa speculates that cached content on Cloudflare servers may have contributed to the recurrence of the issue. In response, all caches have been cleared, though communication with Cloudflare remains elusive. Osewa expresses optimism for resolution and anticipates communication with Cloudflare in the coming days.
Acknowledging a history of challenges in working with abuse teams, Osewa seeks community input for strategies to improve this aspect. The technical support team has clarified that only the abuse team holds the authority to reinstate the server, estimating a review period of up to 48 hours. Regrettably, no expedited procedures are available.
Osewa humbly acknowledges the situation, stating, “I’ve been informed that the only thing I can do is wait. It’s humbling.”